Our record speaks for itself - over the past ten years, Heidelberg graduates have an 84% placement rate into medical schools. Your advisor will make sure you meet all the prerequisites of your desired medical program as well as support you through the med school application process. You'll be challenged and tested, but also encouraged and supported. It's the perfect environment to prepare yourself for the demands of medical school.
Reasons for Success
There's a reason our graduates are successful.
placement rate into medical schools.
Cadavers available to study
Average class size
Recent News

Nov 15, 2024
Bio students honor the selfless sacrifice of body donors
Heidelberg’s Biology 403 class presented a beautiful ceremony honoring the selfless individuals who have donated their bodies to science through the

Aug 21, 2023
Transfer to ’Berg restores biology student’s confidence
Olivia Raubenolt’s first experience in college did not go as she had envisioned. So the second-semester freshman transferred to Heidelberg, and her

Mar 2, 2022
Students gain confidence, advantages in Body Donor Lab
Heidelberg undergrads who have the rare opportunity for hands-on learning in the Dr. George Barlow Body Donor Lab go into the experience with all of